Image processing using Graph_1


  1. Graph-based methods in Image Processing for:
  • Segmentation 图像分割
  • Filtering 过滤
  • Classification and clustering 聚类/分类
  1. We will sometimes regard a picture as being a real-valued, non-negative
    function of two real variables; the value of this function at a point will be
    called the gray-level of the picture at the point.

—— Rosenfeld

  1. Storing the image in a computer requires digitization,


    • Sampling(recoding image values at a finite set of samples points)
    • Quantization(discretizing the continuous functions values)

    Typically, sampling points are located on a Cartesian grid.

  2. Basic model

  • Generalized image modalities( multispectral images)
  • Generalized image domains(video, volume images MRI)
  • Generalized sampling point distributions( non-Cartesian girds)


  1. Benefit for image processing
  • Discrete and mathematically simple representation that lends itself well to the development of efficient and provably correct methods.
  • A minimalistic image representation – flexibility in representing different types of images.
  • re-use existing algorithms and theorems for image analysis!
  1. Image as Graphs

Graph based image processing methods typically operate on pixel adjacency graphs

  • graphs whose vertex set is the set of image elements,

  • whose edge set is given by an adjacency relation on the image elements

  1. Graph segmentation

    • To segment an image represented as a graph, we want to partition the graph into a number of separate connected components.
    • The partitioning can be described either as a vertex labeling or as a
      graph cut.
  2. Graph partitioning

    • vertex labeling
      Vertex labeling associates each node of the graph with an element in some set of labels. Each element in this set represents an object category.
    • graph cuts
      A cut is a set of edges that, if they are removed from a graph, separates the graph into two or more connected components.


  1. Space-Variant Machine Vision — A Graph Theoretic Approach.
  2. A graph-based framework for sub-pixel image segmentation.

Image processing using Graph_1







